Choose how many merchants to diaply on a Price Comparison Set (2)


May 4, 2024

Comparison Sets can easily be customized and updated to your liking. For example, customize the title, customize the price format, or customize the Buy Buttons.

The price variable is also customizable. Specifically, whether or not you include the price of the product in the Comparison Set.

By default, the price for each product in the Comparison Set will be displayed.

Choosing to include the price can offer advantages:

  • Your website visitors can quickly identify which merchant is offering the product for the lowest price.
  • Website visitors may appreciate the transparency of displaying various prices.
  • This may make the buying process easier and more convenient for website visitors.

In some cases, you may not want to include the price in your Comparison Sets.

To hide the price, simply follow the instructions here to hide the price.

The price will now be removed from your Comparison Sets.

Choosing to hide the price can offer advantages as well:

  • Website visitors may take their time exploring the various buying options, looking at more than just the price and find the offer that best suits their needs.
  • Excluding the price provides more opportunities to showcase brand reputation and credibility beyond just focusing on price alone.
  • Website visitors can be more likely to click through the different Buy Buttons.

Explore the ways in which you can add or hide the price in Comparison Sets to discover which method resonates best with your audience.

For more information about customizing your Comparison Sets, click here.