How to Limit the Number of Results Returned

When creating or editing a Product Set, each Product Set can return a maximum of 10,000 search results. Typically, you will only get this many products returned if you run a broad search and use very few search filters. Limiting the number of search results returned helps reduce the number of API requests made during […]

Add Product Sets to Categories

Product Sets and Product Categories each have a unique function. What is the difference between a Product Set and Product Categories? A Product Set is specific to Datafeedr. This is how you search and find products that you want to add to your WooCommerce Store. Once your Product Set is filled with products, the Product […]

Comparison Set Customizations: Add/Hide Price

Comparison Sets can easily be customized and updated to your liking. For example, customize the title, customize the price format, or customize the Buy Buttons. The price variable is also customizable. Specifically, whether or not you include the price of the product in the Comparison Set. By default, the price for each product in the […]

See Which Products Belong to Which Product Sets

With numerous products added to your WooCommerce store from different Product Sets, it’s easy to lose track of which Product Sets added which products. Of course, you can always open up your Product Sets at any time to see which products are associated with that Product Set. However, if you are looking for a specific […]

Switch from a Saved Search to a Manual Search

Adding products to Product Sets can be accomplished using either the Saved Search Method or the Manual Search Method.  The Saved Search Method enables you to save a search to automatically add products that match your search to your Product Set.  The Manual Method enables you to add individual, specific products to your Product Sets.  […]

Merchant Limit Search Field

The Merchant Limit Search Field is available when creating and/or editing Product Sets. This is useful for limiting the number of products returned for each merchant. For instance, you can set this so each merchant only returns 5 products, or 20 products, or 40 products, etc. When should you use the Merchant Limit Search Field?   Occasionally, […]

Datafeedr Tool Tips

There are a lot of Search Fields you can use when searching for products.  In fact, you have over 35 Search Fields to choose from.  Most are easy to use. For example, “has image,” “barcode” or “product name.” Some, on the other hand,  may require a bit of knowledge to maximize your success with the […]

Product Identification Search Fields: Product ID, SKU,and Barcode

Some Search Fields are related to product pricing. Other Search Fields are related to the networks and merchants they are part of. And, some are related to product identification.  These Product Identification Search Fields include Product ID, SKU, and Barcode. Depending on the products you are looking to find, there are cases where it may […]

Customize Comparison Set Title

When displaying a Comparison Set in a blog post, the Comparison Set can easily be modified and changed to match your preference. This includes the Comparison Set title.  By default, the title of the Comparison Set will say “Compare x Prices” depending on how many products you are including. For example, “Compare 2 Prices” or “Compare […]

In Stock Search Field

One of the Search Fields available on both the Scratchpad and with Product Sets is the In Stock Search Field.  This Search Field allows you to instantly filter your search results based on the products availability. Specifically, if the product is in stock, or if the product is not in stock. Is it important to keep […]