When searching for products in a product search, you may notice duplicate products. A duplicate product is when the same product appears more than once in your search results. This is likely due to the fact that the merchant chose to upload variations of the same product. For example, different sizes or colors. You can easily exclude duplicate products using the search filters.
Here, you can see this product: New Nike Air Jordan Flight Club 80's Royal Blue Mens is appearing 3 times in the search result. This is due to the fact that the merchant uploaded one record for New Nike Air Jordan Flight Club 80's Royal Blue Mens Size 7, one record for New Nike Air Jordan Flight Club 80's Royal Blue Mens Size 8.5 and one record New Nike Air Jordan Flight Club 80's Royal Blue Mens Size 9.5.
Sometimes, a more advanced search is required to remove duplicate products. For example, this belt has various colors listed under 6 different records. The product records do not use the same image, so the previous search of excluding products by “image” will not be effective for these specific products. In this case, you can use search operators to build a highly targeted search and remove all the duplicates. Typically, excluding by name|barcode|description|direct_url|image will give you results that exclude all duplicate products.
For more information, click here for written documentation or check out our Youtube video here on removing duplicate products with an advance search.
How do Duplicate Products Appear in Search Results?

Remove Duplicate Products: Simple Search
There is a simple solution to exclude duplicate products. Simply use the “exclude duplicates” search filter and enter the field in which you want to exclude the products by. For instance, in the above example, all 3 of the New Nike Air Jordan Flight Club 80's Royal Blue Mens had the same image. To remove the duplicate products, enter “image” in the Exclude Duplicates search filter and now only one of the New Nike Air Jordan Flight Club 80's Royal Blue Mens will remain. For more information, click here for written documentation or check out our Youtube video here on removing duplicate products with a simple search.
Remove Duplicate Products: Advanced Search