Product information and availability changes constantly. Certain settings can be configured to help automatically remove old data.
Remove old Comparison Sets
One option is to delete old Comparison Sets. To configure this setting, head over to the WordPress Admin Area -> Datafeedr API -> Comparison Sets.
Here, you can opt to remove old Comparison Sets that have not been updating in the past 30 days.
This will keep your database smaller, while also providing a better user experience as outdated information will no longer be displayed on your site.
Remove missing products
Old products that are no longer available can automatically be removed as well. This setting can be found WordPress Admin Area -> Product Sets -> Configuration.
Next to Delete Missing Products, ensure this is set to "Yes" to remove all old and outdated products.
Ensure Updates are On
On the same page as the Delete Missing Products setting (WordPress Admin Area -> Product Sets -> Configuration) you will find the Updates setting.
Ensure this setting is set to "Enabled" to keep all your product data automatically up to date.
For more information, check out the Datafeedr resource library here.